Persuasive Essay-Changing Australian Day

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Australian day is a day when we come together to celebrate our nation and all its history, so why are debating to change it? Australia has gone through many ups and downs, but that’s not a reason to change the date. By removing it not only are we bringing back the horrible past between the Native Indigenous and the White Australians, but Australia will be divided. I stand here among you all and I stress the word divide. Australia will no longer be united. The country we are living here today, will no longer stand as one but will stand against each other. Is this really how you want the future Australia to be? We have gone through too much to just give up on this date.

Changing Australia day from the 26th of January to another date will not prevent or change the problems Australia is facing today. Australia is going through many situations that need to be dealt with immediately such as economic issues, unemployment rate among all, poverty is just one of the major issues. According to the Acoss “There are 3 million people living in poverty and of the 3mil, 731 thousand are children.’’ how can we put all the resources and money into changing an important date, we could actually be focusing on helping Australia. How can changing the 26th of January feed the poor? And give shelter and homes to the homeless? …show more content…

There are other dates to look to, to celebrate and to identity the coming together our nations. For example, January 1st, the idea of a continent for a nation was realised and the commonwealth of Australia came into being. But how long will that date last? Until someone comes up with why it should change again. Why do we always focusing on our horrible past but not care for today’s and futures life. It is true that sometimes our identity might be based on the past but in order to live today we should come together as one and care for the future life and for the world that we are going pass it for the next