Persuasive Essay

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Good day ladies and gentlemen. Blue is for boy, Pink is for girl. This side of the store is for girls, and that side is for boys. People are separated into two categories, boy or girl. We then teach our children how gender affects them; not just physically but characteristically and emotionally. This divide creates negative boundaries on children and keeps them from being the truest version of themselves. Society needs to change the way we teach our children about gender. When we divide children into groups, we are encouraging separation. This creates an unnecessary divide between genders, and is an inhibitor to creating an environment of togetherness and equality. Typically, we see this done in early education: preschool, kindergarten, elementary …show more content…

In toy stores there are two sections: boys and girls toys. The typical boys’ toy is a truck, ninja turtle, or toy weapon. The typical girls’ toy is a doll, easy bake oven, or something with pink on it. If a girl wanted to play with a truck she would have to go into the boys section of the store, and if a boy wanted to play with a doll he would have to go into the girls section of the store. Both would be hesitant to do so because of the fact that they are not the gender that the poster states. This pushes children to like certain things more than others, like a girl preferring a princess crown over a monster truck. This leaves children hesitant about what they like and causes them to change who they are to better fit into society. In the household, parental figures also play a major role in the child’s ability to express them self. For example, One day I was in the San Bernardino Valley College Bookstore and overheard a conversation. I looked over and a child was holding a pencil bag that was bright and colorful, and would be considered to be a girls’ pencil bag. The child handed the bag over to the father to show his interest in the bag. The father then mildly raised his voice at the child and said “That’s a girl’s bag! Are you a girl?” The child responded with a sad sounding “No.” and was told to put the bag back. This was a negative influence on …show more content…

Many boys are taught to be tough and not really express themselves; girls are taught the opposite, to share their emotions and are accepted to be emotionally distraught. This is severe to the development of the children. In most cases, the boys suppress emotions and learn to not deal with their problems in a sensible way. For girls, they usually let themselves be vulnerable and emotional about most situations. Emotional gender boundaries in children promote imbalance. The children learn to handle situations in one way or the other instead of learning how to deal with situations in a universally sensible way. These boundaries also create problems for the children later in life. For boys not expressing yourself when necessary promotes repression and issues that stay with the person and are not dealt with. With girls it creates a sense of weakness that because they are so emotional they are less adept to thinking logically and being strong. Emotional boundaries in children also promote conflict between children both within and out of their gender. For example, a boy may cry in front of other on a playground, not being used to this, the other boys ridicule him. This creates a feelings of isolation, sadness, and more in the boy who was crying. The boundaries created negative environments for the children. They also start more conflict with the child’s view of himself.