Persuasive Essay On Abortion Research Paper

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In the world today, there are around 186 abortions per 1,000 live births. Abortion is the termination of a human pregnancy causing the child or fetus to die. Many women decide to take abortions since they are unable to carry the baby or wouldn’t want to have another child since it would be too much work. Abortion are done when women have an unwanted pregnancy or an unplanned one. A women can have an abortion through surgical procedures or by using abortion pills. Abortion may not seem as a big problem in this society, however it’s been very common in the society. As a whole, abortion is a huge problem in the world today and should be taken into action or be prevented for many different types of reasons.

A fetus can feel pain or feel hurt when the …show more content…

During this procedure, the fetus feels pain and screams silently due to severity. This is not right since it hurts the fetus who didn’t do anything to hurt anyone. The fetus is an innocent individual and killing an innocent person even before they are born is not right. Abortion is just like a murder since it is the killing of a child before they are born. Many individuals may go through the process since they can’t handle having another child or they feel this is not the correct time to have one. However, there is actually no necessity to actually kill the child. The family or the individual who had the baby can just give the child to an adoption center or to another family. By doing this, it will help save a child's life instead of killing them. Not just that, abortion can affect the fetus and can affect the mother as well. Abortion can reduce the amount of babies the mother can have and lead to medical problems in

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