Persuasive Essay On Animal Rights

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What if your pet was the one being one be killed the slaughterhouse? How would you feel if your fuzzy companion was forced into cramped and filthy living conditions only to die before its time? In 2015 APPA Survey, 65 percent of households owned at least one pet (“Pets by the Numbers”). In the 2012 AVMA Sourcebook 63.2% of pet-owners considered their pets to be family members, 35.8% consider their pets to be pets or companions, while only1% considered their pet to be property (“Pets by the Numbers”, “U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics”). In 2014, 9.1 billion animals were slaughter in the U.S (“Farm Animal Statistics: Slaughter Totals”). The animal rights debate has been going on since 1970’s with the animal welfarists/activists and those oppose/deny animal rights being the two sides of the debate (“The Animal Rights Debate”). The animal activists believe in total animal rights while the welfarist believe in only certain animals having rights or that animals should only have certain rights. …show more content…

Most of this list is completely logical except for animals being used for food just because we need them to live. For the entire human population to become vegetarians as well as get enough nutrients to function properly would be amazing but more than likely impossible. So since animals are needed in the food industry, we should at least make their living conditions better and give them a better experience of life before they are humanely killed. While cramping as many animals into cage will produce more results, it is not very effective went most of it is not actually used (Harish). Why killed innocent lives only for it to be wasted for