
Persuasive Essay On Childhood Obesity

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Is childhood obesity or obesity in general the biggest problem in America? It very well may be the biggest problem America may be facing. According to the center for disease control and prevention.Up to 18% of children ages 6-11 were considered obese and over the same time period adolescents ages 7-19 who were considered obese increased from 5% all the way to almost 21%. That is a huge increase from previous stats done in the past. The amount of health risks people have when obese are numerous in number and may include risk for cardiovascular, high blood pressure and cholesterol. The problems are not just affecting the nation, it's hitting the local communities in Ohio hard and affecting local school sports teams by limiting the player's ability to play their respective sport. The potential solutions to this problem would be to cut back on fast food consumption and opt. Out for a healthier selection of foods, and plenty of exercise, it is recommended that children ages 6-18 has at least one hour of physical activity a day. A few plausible solutions to help this problem on the local …show more content…

The amount of children and adolescents ages 6-19 who are considered obese went from 12% to 39% in the year 2012. Of the past thirty years the amount of children who were considered obese has more than doubled and quadrupled in adolescents. The health risks involved are no laughing matter some of which are normally develops during adulthood: such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease as well as elevated cholesterol levels. Those are just a few of the health risks that children and adolescents are developing earlier in life. The potential health risks for children and adolescents that are more prevalent than the aforementioned health risks are growing in prevalence. These health risks can be separated into two categories, immediate effects and long-term effects. Some of the short term effects

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