
Persuasive Essay On Christmas Eve Vission

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On Christmas Eve 1968 an amazing photograph was created. “On Christmas Eve, 1968, none of the astronauts aboard Apollo 8 were prepared for the spellbinding moment when they would first see their home planet rise from behind the desolate lunar horizon” (Clash). This picture was taken during the Apollo 8 mission while the craft was in lunar orbit (Clash). Anders had the only color camera with a long lens and he gave Borman the black and white camera (Clash). On this craft there was three men Frank Borman, Bill Anders, and Jim Lovell (Clash). They held live broadcast from lunar orbit, in which they showed pictures of the Earth and moon as seen from their spacecraft (NASA). “When the Earth came up, we clamored for cameras” says Anders (Clash). The men were actually supposed to be taking pictures of craters and possible future landing spots and the earth was an unauthorized picture but they just could not miss out on this amazing shot (Clash). On the broadcast the three astronauts gave a reading from Genesis at the end (NASA). NASA had told them that this broadcast would contain many people listening in. NASA selected this photo to represent the Apollo …show more content…

It shows the top of the moon with the earth rising behind the moon and space is in the background. The earth has a gorgeous color of blue and white. Earth seems quite small compared to the moon. The earth is what eyes are immediately drawn to. Earth is bright and centered; it certainly is the main focus. Space seems very dark and there are what seem to be stars, little white lights. The moon has what seem to be craters and is a white and tan color. Eyes are drawn to the foreground of the moon since, it is the biggest item pictured in this photograph which is caused by the moon being the closest object to the camera. This photograph shows the beauty of space which only a few get to see in actual

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