Argumentative Essay: Why Dancing Is Good For The Body

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A lot of people doesn 't really like going to the gym or go running, so they tend to just not exercise at all, which is not good for the body, so some of them actually chooses to just dance. Dancing is considered to be one of the greatest forms of exercise since your entire body will move, it is also a way of having fun, for some people, it is way better than working out. So here are some of the most amazing benefits of dancing.


One of the most incredible benefits of dancing is that it is actually good for your heart.

“It is not surprising that moderate-intensity physical activity is protective against cardiovascular disease mortality. I was actually surprised that light-intensity dancing was not protective, I would expect that is the benefits of dance can be attributed to the social and affective aspect of dancing than I would expect light-intensity dancing to he beneficial.- ” Dafna Merom, University of Western Sydney Australia

The cardiovascular system improves when a person dances. A person who is at …show more content…

It is fun and it makes you forget about the dreaded exercise.” – Paula Abdul


Dancing also helps with the emotional aspect of the body, it can help through boosting a person 's confidence level. With dancing, a person can look into a fresh sense of creativity, energy and motivation. Dancing is also a talent that must be enhanced, some people express themselves through dancing and it makes them feel better afterwards. Finally, dancing can actually help people relax and just get into the music and feel every movement. It helps a person concentrate, but at the same time enjoy themselves.

If you happen to love dancing, then good for you, since you can definitely use up all of these benefits for your own good, you can even encourage your family and friends and get them into dancing by sharing this article to them. How did dancing manage to help you out? Leave a comment to let us

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