Persuasive Essay On Dog Cloning

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Louisiana residents Dr. Phillip Dupont and wife Paula are the proud owners of their two dogs Ken and Henry. If you saw these two dogs on the street, you wouldn’t think much of them, except maybe that they’re brothers since they look so much alike. Well, they are even closer than siblings. Ken and Henry are genetic clones of the Dupont’s late dog, Melvin. Melvin was the beloved mutt of the Duponts, and as Melvin aged, the couple realized that they could not bear to see their furry, one-of-a-kind friend go. Therefore, they paid a whopping $100,000 for a lab in South Korea to take some of Melvin’s skin cells and inject them into a donor egg, thus birthing Ken and Henry. Although Ken and Henry are not exact copies of Melvin, their resemblances, …show more content…

Its pros are strong, and keep the research going. They say that a dog is a man’s best friend, so when someone loses his or her dog, it can be devastating. Cloning, however, provides a way to carry on a deceased dog’s legacy, making the owner’s grieving process easier. Cloning is also a feature that demonstrates advanced science. It helps clue us in on how DNA replication works, ameliorating the world’s understanding on how animals reproduce and function. Moreover, cloning as a whole can even help the world from a preservation perspective. Through cloning, scientists can help save endangered species by creating genetic replicas that can contribute to multiplying the species, driving it away from extinction. Countering all those cloning positives, however, is the endless list of arguments against cloning. It goes against Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” theory, making it an unnatural process. It interferes with the cycle of life; it manipulates death, playing a God-like role. Therefore, many declare that cloning is inauthentic. Cloning is ethnically questionable because it involves animals undergoing surgery, and may result in clones that have health issues. It seems like the $100,000 that go towards cloning could maybe be put to better use in terms of saving