Mandatory Drug Testing In Schools

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Drug testing athletes is just not doing enough to be worth the expense these schools are paying for them. I have been involved in sports since middle school and never have I been drug tested. I don 't do drugs so there is no reason for me to be tested some kids may do them but that is their decision I made mine by saying no to drugs. Unless the numbers of students getting involved in drugs is skyrocketing I don 't believe they should implement drug test on students in athletics and extracurricular activities.According to Cook (2017) ¨It 's just a matter of trying to figure out the best approach. And right now, drug testing is a way for schools to show they are Doing Something, even though they are accomplishing nothing¨(para. 9). Drug testing does not help the problem but it also doesn 't make it any worse. Instead of drug testing these kids we need to do something to help them. …show more content…

There are no studies to show that these drug test are going to help the drug problem. We need to find something that will help the drug problem in schools without violating the student and parents privacy. According to Sifferlin (2015)¨The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy statement on Monday saying it opposes randomly drug testing students because there’s not enough evidence to show it’s effective, and because random testing can damage relationships between students and their schools. It’s also a possible infringement on privacy, the group says¨ (para. 2). Why create this space between teachers and students, coaches and athletes, parents and children, all for a simple drug test? These test might be cutting ties you can 't get back, next thing you know students are getting cut from their athletics because they failed their drug test and the coach doesn 't want them there. That is the last thing you want because sports may be the only thing keeping these kids going if they have a rough home