Persuasive Essay On Drug Testing In Public Schools

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Jimena Salgado Period 2 Language Arts Drug Testing in Public Schools Allowing schools to conduct drug tests on students has been a controversial topic for many years and continues to be. Some people believe that drug testing is an effective way to stop drug use amongst students. While others argue that it is a violation of students' privacy and rights. In this essay, I will argue why schools shouldn’t drug test students even with probable cause. First of all, drug testing students is a violation of their privacy rights. The fourth amendment protects students from unreasonable searches and seizures. Drug testing without a probable cause is a clear violation of this right. Even if there was a probable cause, drug testing can be seen as an invasion of privacy. Students shouldn’t take a drug test unless someone has clearly seen them using or have anything in possession. The ACLU which is short for American Civil Liberties Unions has argued that drug testing in schools is an ineffective way of addressing drug use among students. …show more content…

It is very important to take in that drug testing is only a temporary solution to the problem of drug use. It does not get to the root of what causes drug use, which is often related to emotional, social, and psychological issues. The NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) states that drug testing in schools may not be as effective as people may think in reducing drug use among students. They argue that students who are subject to drug testing may simply switch to other substances that are not detected by the test. In addition, students who are determined to use drugs can find a way to hide that they have been using. They can simply avoid using during testing periods or use drugs that are not detected by the