
Persuasive Essay On Drug Testing In Schools

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Although drug testing installs seem like a good prevention measure, school should not perform drug tests on students. drug tests are an invasion of privacy and it does not completely prevent students from using drugs. Drug testing takes up student’s time and the funding used for testing is not necessary. Instead of using lots of money on screening, schools should us it to implement prevention programs.

Schools should drug test students because this promotes safety and a drug-free environment. Drug testing increases the chances for students to have a successful future. However, if students are not drug test, the more potential for abuse and danger. Although drug testing may not be necessary for some all schools, it is necessary for some. For example, In 2015 in Ohio the number of students overdosing from drugs were so high that schools were mandated by Belpre School District Superintendent to conduct drug tests. Over the past decade, there have been countless opiate abuse …show more content…

Drug tests are expensive to continuously supply to schools. Funding used for drug tests could continue in a more effective way such as a prevention program for drug abuse among youth. Even thought school conduct drug tests, students can always cheat by using the urine of a friend that does not do drugs. Students can also use other drugs that they know are not going to be tested at school or use drugs that will not show up on tests. For example, schools may test for Marijuana, however, synthetic marijuana will not show up on tests (John, 2016).
Another reason why schools should not conduct drug tests is that the money that is needed for these drug tests will lead to an increase in taxes (John, 2016). Drug tests are not always accurate which wastes time and money. Drug testing can anger students nad parents because they may find it unnecessary. Especially for those who come from cultural backgrounds that are against drugs and

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