Persuasive Essay On Fake Tree

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I think people should use fake tree's because they are not that messy as the real tree's. And the real tree's a lot more dangerous the plastic because the real tree's can catch on fire more easily then the plastic on's. And the real tree's. And the fake tree's won't catch on fire as easily as the real tree's do because the fake tree's are fire restarted proof. And the real tree's are not fire proof and they catch on fire very easily the real tree's can catch on fire from the lights, to anything a candle, or from falling over and hitting a light that is on the ceiling, or from a electric fire. I think people should use fake tree's because they are a hole lot better than the real tree's are and they don't make that much of a mess because the real tree's drop pines on the ground. But also the fake tree's are less money than real tree's are a lot more money than the fake tree's. And the fake tree's can be harder to set up then the real tree's are and the real tree's are way easier to set up the fake tree's cause the fake tree's have couple of parts to put together and the real tree's have one giant piece to put up depends on what size you get. …show more content…

And the fake tree's have more color's than the real tree's do because the fake tree's come in like pink, red, blue, white, and all the other color's their