Persuasive Essay On Flag Burning

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Donald Trump stated on his social media his beliefs about the topic of flag burning saying “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or a year in jail!” (The Fedilist)The American flag is a symbol of great importance to America as a whole burning it is a heinous crime, America's Ideals and morals are crippling the burning of the flag shows this, a legacy has been born through the American flag and it should be respected.Mr. Trump has a valid point,the flag is a symbol, and as such can never be wrong. To burn it, then, is an act of libel - one is libelling universal truths, rights and principles with terrible actions. That flag can never commit these acts - it is impossible.(BC) One should Picture what is at stake here,recall the civil rights movement,recall not only its invocation of national ideals,but also its evocation of …show more content…

The flag is a unique symbol of our aspiration to national unity, this symbol is more than cloth, fifty stars and thirteen stripes. (Civil Liberties) The mailbox is federally protected by law, once installed, it becomes government property and it is against the law for it to be vandalized. The above statement is a harsh but true fact. Something as simple as a mailbox is protected by the government, but the American Flag is not? The mailbox stands on a post by the road,mail is put into it and then taken out. A mailbox can be protected against vandalism but the American Flag cannot be protected from terrorism? A box for mail is less significant than a flag full of history, love, blood and so much more. When a service member passes away, an american flag is placed over their casket, folded with honor and given to the grieving family.