Persuasive Essay On Foster Care

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Here in Arizona there are more than 18,000 children in the foster care

system, therefore it is obvious that there is a great need for foster

families to care for these children all over Arizona. This is a topic

of big interest to many people due to wanting to make an impact in the lives of many

unfortunate children in care. This is a very sad but true topic.

There are many opportunities for people to help these children by

opening their homes, their lives, to these less fortunate children that have been abused

or neglected. There are many opportunities to foster one of these children if one is

interested to do so. Foster Care agencies accept many people from different

walks of life, from traditional, single, gay, or two …show more content…

Then your mind starts to think other things such as “I wonder how long

this child will be with me?”

It is difficult because once these children have been placed as your own, you start to

build a bond with them. You find yourself doing extra things for them wanting them to see that

there are people that really do care. You start to feel sorry for their situation and try hard to do

things to make up for what they were missing. At times you will find your self spoiling them and

wanting to give them the best.

Foster parents will instill in the children many of the skills they as they grow up that they

will need to face life’s opportunities and challenges. They will help teach them the tools they

need to become productive members in society. The Foster parents are responsible for

working in conjunction with the child's team and at time could include their birth families. This in

itself can become challenging. It is hard to sit at a meeting where the parents are knowing that

they abused the child. It is not easy to watch them and listen to the stuff they have to say at

times which can and will be challenging age times.

There will be times where you as the foster parent will attend hearings and will listen

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