Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Your second amendment rights are being taken away. In recent years, the government has been working to create laws to ban U.S. citizen’s right to own firearms. Not only is it more difficult to purchase guns, in today’s world, but soon people will be required to release the guns they already own. The government believes this will avoid shootings. However, gun laws will not prevent gun violence. Mental health is a huge issue, people with a mental disability should never be able to buy weapons of any kind. There needs to be a better system to vet people through before anyone buys a gun. Citizens need to be put through a rigorous background check and provide at least 2 forms of identification. States need to put mental health records in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s database, so they know who to watch carefully that way these types of people cannot obtain weapons. People need to stop blaming the gun for all of these shootings and start blaming the person behind the gun, that pulled the trigger. Guns are inanimate objects, which means guns are not alive, it cannot pull the trigger. …show more content…

That is what happened in Nazi Germany and now it’s happening in America today. Nazi Germany started brainwashing younger generations to see thing the way the governments want them seen. Brainwashing means making (someone) adopt radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible pressure. The same issue is what is going on in America today. For example, more liberal news stations like CNN, NBC, ABC, etc. filter their news to be biased and citizens are not given a chance to form their own opinion and are being told what to think. When people are told how to think, their behavior changes with it. Nazi Germany used this technique to control people. It is this dangerous strategy that we are noticing cropping up in the U.S. today. Without individual means of defense, people become an easy target for