Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Gun Control Although many mass shootings have re-started the debate on gun control, fewer people believe that gun laws should be made stricter. Some people use guns in horrible ways, but other people use guns to prevent horrible things from happening to them. The reasons we don’t need stricter gun laws are self defense, violating the second amendment, and criminals and mentally ill will get guns regardless. Three hundred million people own firearms out of 307 million citizens. One hundred million out of the 300 million own handguns. The United States needs less strict gun laws because we don’t want it to be difficult for non-violent people to purchase guns. Firearms are generally classified into three broad types: 1) handguns; 2) rifles; and 3) shotguns. Rifles and shotguns are both considered “long guns.” The United States is more violent than any …show more content…

Between 100,000 and 2 million cases of self defense occur every year. Guns play an important role in self defense. Based on a survey from a 2000 study, U.S. civilians used guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year. In a 1994 survey, it was found that Americans used guns to frighten away intruders who were breaking into their homes about 498,000 times per year. If these citizens could not own guns, they may have been robbed or murdered.
The Second Amendment to the US Constitution states: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. The right to freedom from violent harm, and the right to self-defense, both existed before and outside of government. The government was created to protect those rights. Nothing else matters much if you can’t defend your own life against aggression. Owning a gun to protect yourself from an evil government is a law that should not be taken