The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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When the topic of gun control is brought up there’s many different point of views that surround the topic. Lately there has been lots of discussion that involves either getting rid of guns or increasing the demand of firearms. Although it is unclear what we should do about this problem one thing is clear: Gun Control is and always will be a topic of light discussion or heated debate between all Americans, but everybody in this topic has tried to come to an agreement on guns, yet nothing has seemed to satisfy both sides. To begin, guns have caused many deaths in the United States of America such as mass shootings. Many people have said that the only way to prevent a bad guy with a gun from harming anyone else is a good guy with a gun. While this may be true he or she may be mistaken for the bad guy and be shot by the police. Although this may be the the case, having civilians with guns may protect officer lives as seen in the Whitman incident, where a man opened fire from 400 yards away. Civilians with hunting rifles in their trucks helped save countless lives by providing suppressing fire causing Whitman to shoot less accuratly. …show more content…

Ever since Japan imposed very strict laws on any firearms (almost prohibiting firearms) they have a death caused by firearms of about 50 people a year, or a death rate of 0.06%. This may be but, in the United States of America guns are used in self defense about 2.5million times a year or about 6,580 times a day where there are about 30 crimes a day are committed (with guns). These gun owners represent responsible owners who followed the “rules of engagement:” to protect themselves and

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