Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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America has dealt with protests and arguments ever since the beginning. But one that has caused more disputes than nearly all other conflicts, is gun control. Should America ban guns entirely? should America put tighter restraints on gun owners? Gun control only makes it harder for the everyday citizen to protect themselves while the criminals will always have ways of getting weapons, whether it be from the black market, cross borders, or illegal street sales. As Gene Autry once said 'a gun like any other object that grants power is neither good nor evil but reliant on the one who holds it.' If you ban guns, criminals will not stop using them. All it would do is boost the black market. In most states, it is required to do a background check …show more content…

According to the National Rifle Association, guns are used for self-defense 2.5 million times a year. It may seem like it, but the police force cannot prevent a large amount of crimes from happening. 59% of men and women in America adamantly said that they would feel less safe in their homes and they would have a much harder time protecting themselves with stricter gun laws. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. In a 2013 survey with convicted felons, 48% of the prisoners admitted that they restrained from committing a crime when they knew that the victim was armed with a firearm. So if people feel safer at home with weapons to protect themselves, and criminals are more willing to not commit a crime when someone has a weapon, why are we even arguing about this? Gun control activists frequently make the point that stronger gun control would reduce the amount of suicides in the nation. A valid argument except that the facts do not back that up. Japan has a low gun ownership rate at 0.6 guns per 100 people and a high suicide rate of 18.41 suicides per 100,000 people. This is strictly contrasted to the United States where 89 out of 100 people own a