Essay On Gun Violence

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Could having a gun really protect a person from a criminal? Some question the fact that is a firearm for self-defense an important crime deterrent. For example, the media portrays guns as machines that can only do harm, cause problems also bring violence to an otherwise peaceful society. However, could this be true? What the media hide is studies show that having a gun can actually save more lives rather than taking a life. According to Guns Owners of America, “guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year or about 6,850 times a day. Meaning that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives” …show more content…

Therefore, the media portray to us that having a gun is the reason why killing rates are rising and authority is taking more action for the reason for their crimes. Over the two million people that uses their firearm to defend themselves majority of the firearm is used for a warning shots less than ten-percent of the time people actually kill or injure their attacker. In order to get gain more insight on could having a gun really protect a person from a criminal, I interviewed James H. Bolden, who is a retired officer of the Lansing Police Department severed over 25 years. During the interview I asked him, give one example how you would tell a citizen to defend his/her self against a perpetrator. He answer saying “To have a person be submissive to anyone that is trying to take something from them rather it be arm robbery or unarmed robbery to be submissive to give the person what they’re asking for then, if you find it’s beneficial as the person perceive to leave, make whatever move you believe you can