
Persuasive Essay On Gun Ownership

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Gun ownership struggle
Many people are thinking about the ownership of the gun, and this becomes a most significant issue in the United States and other countries that allowed to have a gun. Gun is making more dead people, and an incident, which will increase people’s anxious feeling. According to safearound, the World’s Safest Countries were Denmark, Iceland, Austria, Finland, etc. The United State of America was ranked 55. Some citizen wants to prohibit the ownership of the gun, but why does the government are not banning the gun policy? They could think the gun turned as a protecting tool, and the crime rate will decrease; nevertheless, the crime rate does not decrease, and it doesn’t become a protecting tool often. They also think the …show more content…

Ownership of gun has already been an issue, such as gun violence, crime rate, and death rate. The country that people to own the gun, America, the American government has shown up with 2 amendment rights. It was “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This amendment means people have right to keep and bear arms. Bear arms are the right to have weapons to protect themselves. In the history, when the people want to make development, and change somethings, they use the critical weapon such as a gun. For example, World War 2, 6.25, and Japan dictatorship, these events use the gun to make an outcome that they want. Therefore, using the gun can bring more safety to one’s country, and moreover gun is the useful tools to make a change.

It is true that the gun can be turned as safety weapon, and develop the country, but the main thing is that most of the time, the gun became as a dangerous weapon rather than keep safety in people’s life. Also, from Gandhi, by using the gun, when people make development in the country, it is not a real victory, and it will fall rather than going up. However, in some situation, the gun can be used as a part of self-protection tools. To sum up, the gun should use as protection weapon, not an incident

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