
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Over the years, a dispute has arisen over the issue of illegal immigration in the United States. Although there had been an open door policy on immigration for many years before, today individuals have a different perspective on the situation. Immigration is what set America apart from all other countries, immigration is what made America “the melting pot” (“Salam”). However, illegal immigration has been an issue in the United States for decades. Foreigners are taking advantage of this glorious nation, and ultimately it is crippling the United States. The influx of illegal immigration has devastated this nation, and it has made America reliable for those who are here unlawfully. The United States must spend its dollars funding the well-being …show more content…

It is difficult to support so many people who travelled here illegally since they are not doing their part of paying taxes to benefit the country. These immigrants are a hardship at the taxpayers’ expense, “Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level” (“Immigration Issues. The Fiscal”). All of this money will be spent on people who have no right being in this country, if they contribute at all it is on a very minor scale. They have stolen hard earned American dollars, and all they had to do was cross the border. Why should such an independent nation allow so many people into it who are not willing to provide for it? Americans seem to be expected to pay for these immigrants medical expenses, they get sick and just head to the ER. When they can’t pay, the money comes out of the government’s pocket. Not only are illegal immigrants’ medical expenses paid, but their kids are also put through school using America’s taxpayer’ dollars. “Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns” (“Immigration Issues. The Fiscal”) illegal aliens abuse the kind and virtuous system of America. Illegal aliens are reaping in the rewards for cheating the system, and the US taxpayers are those who suffer the most (“Immigration Issues. The

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