Persuasive Essay On Kindred High Schools

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Kindred High School holds sports very dear to the core of its education and pastimes. If you don’t believe me, look at the turn out at the games and the Viking patriotism for our sports teams on game day. But one sport is missing, and it could be the most vital sport in the development of mankind: archery. Bows allowed mankind to get food, end wars, and make civilizations. Archery is being ignored, despite being the important, heritage-linked sport that it is. Kindred High School should honor this timeworn sport by starting an archery team. Archery is a sport that is the odd one out. While there are many of sports that Kindred already does have, they all only appeal to the people who like the “classic” sports. Sports such as football, basketball, and track are examples of sports that are present in most schools. Most of these sports have something in common, though. They are sports that can only appeal to certain people, and could not be cared for by …show more content…

There are people who want to oppress the freedom to do the things you want. People who want to control what you do and aren’t trustworthy. These are the people against archery, and are also against having the freedom to do what you want. People will easily say that, “Archery is too dangerous!”. In fact, a survey shows that less than one person is injured per 1,000 participants in archery (Archery Safety Brochure). Comparatively, it is one of the safest sports offered in high school. To counter that, they could easily return with the excuse of, ”It would cost too much to set up!”. But that is completely false, as I have asked the local Kindred Wildlife Club, and they have the area and staff for practice to take place. Furthermore, from asking around, you can learn that the school already has all the equipment. Now, likely at a silence, ask a person on the “nay” side of the argument: Why? Why should you be able to silence the wills of others, but glorify your