Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Over the last several years the legalization of recreational marijuana has been a very controversial topic among political discussion. The use of recreational marijuana, as it stands now in most states, is an illegal market, with no standards, regulations or price controls, which poses a menace to public health. Our current federal laws, which treat cannabis as equivalent to cocaine and heroin, mostly teach teenagers that the government is completely unrealistic on matters of drug policy. Legalization is the first step in a broader initiative of treating cannabis use as a public health issue.
The use of marijuana in the medical field has been a hot topic over the last few years. There have been many instances in which the use of medicinal marijuana has proved to be helpful to many people suffering from chronic diseases. What worries people is the dependence factor that can lead people to addiction, not necessarily on the substance, but on the habit. The addiction to marijuana has been shown to have some pretty big repercussions. Users have demonstrated withdrawals from social interaction and focus is put more on obtaining marijuana than anything else. The use of recreational marijuana can be a good thing, though, For people that suffer from chronic stress, one of …show more content…

Although the brain gets altered, the effects aren’t always permanent; they can be reversed by discontinuing the use of marijuana. This is true for most adult users. On adolescent teens is a different story. The effects of marijuana use at an early age can be permanent. Since the brain isn’t fully developed the parts of the brain associated with learning abilities. There are legitimate concerns about marijuana on the development of adolescent brains. For that reason, advocacy for the prohibition of sales to people under 21 is