Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana, many people see it as being good, and others view it as the devil's lettuce. Hemp, the fiber of a cannabis plant, it use to be very legal back in the day, early 1850s. It wasn't just legal it was one of the largest aquaculture, crop in the United States. Hemp was by and large the most durable, natural, soft fiber in the world. Hemp was employed to make rope, paper, fabric, lighting oil, and medicines. For most people, they see marijuana as something you just smoke, but it can be produced to create a lot of byproducts. The part of the plant, what marijuana smokers use, is the flower part of the plant. So should marijuana be legalized to the public? The substance what people get high off of is THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol which is a microscopic molecule on the …show more content…

A common myth of the drug, marijuana is that the “gateway drug” usually leads to even more unlooked upon substances, more dangerous drugs. Marijuana users who experiment with this drug will not be in temptation to stronger narcotics proven by the Congressional Research Service. Many people believe that marijuana does indeed kill brain cells and effects memory loss, but yes, this is a myth of the drug. Throughout medical testing of marijuana, when given large uncommon amounts of the drug, there is no case of tremendous memory loss or even any damage to the brain. When, marijuana has no archived impact on memory loss, it has been proven to slightly affect information that has been newly learned. If marijuana, was to be legalized to the public it would help the economy tremendously. Colorado being a test state for the substance, recreational use of the drug has approximately said to bring in an income of 95 million dollars to the state of Colorado in one single year. Taxing of the drug has been planned on being spent towards schools approximately 40 million