
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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An issue that has become a great debate in present society is the legalization of marijuana. Today, marijuana is used for multiple purposes whether it’s for the medical benefit or recreationally. People who legally have used marijuana say they have had positive results. Recreational or medical marijuana has brought huge success to the few states in the United States that have legalized it. Medical Marijuana used for PTSD, depression, anxiety, ADHD and stress has become a good investment in the medicine industry. Also, creating safety controls by legalizing the drug and selling them in U.S dispensaries has had a positive effect. After researching this topic and understanding the benefits, marijuana both medical and recreational should become legal in all fifty states. …show more content…

The whole cannabinoid system comes with multiple medical benefits, like The THC in cannabis is used for pain. The CBI receptors quiet the body’s response to pain or other noxious chemicals, it also relieves neuropathic pain, neuropathic pain is a pain caused by damaged nerves like in HIV for example. Other forms of this “medicine” comes in pills, oral sprays designed to relieve the stiffness and muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis (Zimmerman). Epileptic seizures are often treated with medical marijuana when the patients have drug resistant epilepsy, which makes other drugs impossible for treating the seizures. With marijuana having multiple benefits, it is also used to treat mental illnesses such as those with heavy addiction. The marijuana creates a void for the patients that are having drug withdraws. Apart from relieving certain illnesses, it may also help those who suffer from anorexia, eating disorders, or those with a suppressed appetite due to medical conditions to obtain an appetite because the THC basically tricks the chemicals in your brain into signal that you’re hungry, even when you’re

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