Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana Legalization
Drug and substance use has been a problem for the U.S. and other countries across the world since time immemorial. The war against the problem has been protracted and is unlikely to end any time soon. Some countries have even contemplated legalizing drugs so as to use the resources that go into trying to combat them elsewhere. Some people may wonder why, despite the harsh punitive measures associated with drugs, hordes of people still choose to get involved. This paper will debate the use of marijuana whether it should be legalized or decriminalize the use of all drugs. There is an increasing amount of evidence that supports the utilization of marijuana for medical use. Anecdotal evidence and research shows that marijuana could be used for treating several medical issues such as nausea, pain as well as the loss of appetite. Other medical problems that are …show more content…

This is a useful drug if patients will be permitted to use it. Therefore, it is nonsensical to illegalize using medical marijuana while most people in the United States are faced with an epidemic addiction to opioids. The questions cannot be responded with a thorough yes or a thorough no. The response to them is that in situations where there is a need to use it for positive purposes like medical treatment etc. it can be legalized but with strict checks. Otherwise, it should not be legalized at all. As marijuana is a known to be a gateway drug the legalization of its recreational use may have a negative affect eventually. As for decriminalizing all drugs I believe is the worst idea ever. There are many drugs that cause deaths daily due to overdose and misuse so legalizing all drugs which would include cocaine, heroin and opioids to name a few would be catastrophic to our