Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is classified as a harmful drug to humans as excessive consumption has adverse effects on human health. Nonetheless, the substance has been proved useful in the field of medicine so long as it is used in small amounts. The substance has proved its effectiveness in treating nausea, reducing pain, chemotherapy and even neurological problems. There have been wrangles on whether the substance should be legalized across the United States or not. The National Institutes of Health claims that over 3000 people who have used it for medication have been cured of their illnesses. In some states, the use of medical marijuana has already been legalized. In some states however, individuals use it for recreational purposes. The following discussion will help enlighten one as to why marijuana should be legalized across the country. To effectively do so, it will point out the importance of the substance in various fields. Also, it will offer solution on how to contain the misuse of the substance so that it may benefit the nation. …show more content…

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has refused to consider marijuana as medicine claiming it has negative effects on human beings. They have not carried out enough research to prove its efficiency in the field of medicine. When administered to the body in specified quantities, the drug helps relieve several medical conditions. As at 2018, 29 states had legalized the use of marijuana, for both medical and recreational purposes. However, since its use in large amounts is harmful to the human body, the states have a limit which an individual must possess. When one is found with more than the states’ rules, they are liable for either a jail sentence of cash bail. As such, the FDA ought to carry out its research so that it may decide whether the level of danger to the human body. In doing so, it will ensure equality across all states, in spite of the