Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial issue in today's society. Many false claims have been made against the very profitable cannabis industry. But today the truth is starting to resurface. But because of the view of a lazy American smoker that has been spread by propaganda for over 80 years by private interests who needed marijuana illegal for their own personal or financial gain. But, now the facts are starting to resurface and the lies are starting to be exposed.

Using marijuana for medical purposes is not new mind, you. Western medicine has been practicing marijuana since the 1800s, and by the 20th century over 100 papers have been published recommending marijuana for medical purposes. There is a lot of evidence to show that marijuana is a safe and effective way to treat diseases like cancer, HIV/aids, and epilepsy marijuana has fewer side effects than other prescription drugs that people use for these diseases. People who need medical marijuana should not be criminalized or have to wait in extremely long lines. Also for medical purposes, the main psychoactive part of cannabis tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is not used but instead, they strain Cannabidiol (CBD) which does not produce the psychoactive part of marijuana that …show more content…

but by legalizing it and safely producing it we can make sure that it is safely regulated and it is not traced with far more dangerous drugs. Also by legalizing it for medical purposes the people who need it will get the help and care they need without having to go through extensive efforts just to get the care they need. It also will create thousands of jobs also in America. Also, 6 people die every day from alcohol-related deaths but zero people have ever died from marijuana. And also it would be a safer alternative to alcohol, and in Colorado after the new laws were enforced alcohol sales dropped 15