Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana should be federally legalized for medical and recreational use because the government should not tell you how to do things that do not interfere with other people. This is what freedom is, isn’t it? The ability to chose and make decisions for yourself rather than having the government make them for you. It also would have countless economic benefits to businesses and the federal government and would reduce the cost and need for many services that prevent the use and sale of marijuana. The reason that marijuana is illegal was A lot of people use the argument that even though marijuana has some benefits it creates an overall problem with crime. The problem with this is that The effects on consumers of marijuana have been perceived by many to be extremely harmful, when really studies have shown that it is much less harmful than alcohol. In fact there have been 0 reported overdoses from marijuana, when alcohol has …show more content…

It would help the budget of the government through reducing executive services funding through the DEA, prison sentencing, and policing. DEA funding would be severely reduced for obvious severely because marijuana is the main budget and focus for the DEA. Prisons wouldn't have to spend money on the prosecution, of all marijuana related convictions, including the ones that don't end in a conviction. 88% of all people arrested for marijuana related crimes are arrested for the possession of marijuana. This is a non serious crime which can potentially lead to a long convictions since it is classified as a class 1 drug, it can also make it significantly more difficult to get a job in the future. This leads man people to try to make money illegally through drug dealing or becoming gang affiliated, over a small drug possession. Lots of police budget goes to policing and enforcing laws over