Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Did you know that roughly 38% of adults in America have used Marijuana? (Saad) Some started early in high school because “All of the cool kids are doing it.” Others got their chance once their left home and were able to make their own decisions. The herb can serve many purposes and should be allowed. Marijuana should be legalized to help ease pain in patients with serious medical condition, to create a source of revenue for governments, and so it can be regulated. Marijuana should be legalized to help ease pain in patients with serious medical conditions. As of March 2014, 20 states have legalized marijuana’s use for certain medical conditions (DrugFacts: Is Marijuana Medicine?). As early as 1970, studies have shown that smoking marijuana has lower intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma, according to the National Eye Institute (Welsh and Loria). Although it does not cure the medical issue, it has been used to relieve suffering from AIDS, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis or Epilepsy patients. State and local governments’ budgets are getting bigger with less assistance coming from the Federal Government. They must find alternative sources of revenue to make ends meet. By legalizing marijuana, states will take advantage of a cash crop that could generate half a billion …show more content…

Whether legal or not Marijuana is not going away. People have been growing, distributing, and selling for hundreds of years. One issue has been inconsistent quality. No one knows what they are getting from supplier to supplier. This was similar to the Prohibition Period when alcohol was illegal. Now that it is legal to have, there are Local, State, and Federal regulations that both Sellers and Buyers must follow. The same can be done for Marijuana. Laws are need govern who can legally use, who can sell it, where they can purchase, or how much usage is safe for operating a motor vehicle. By having some type of oversight, the public is