Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Although marijuana has been found to help with symptoms from cancer treatments, it shouldn’t be legalized in the United States. It is still a drug and does more harm than good. People have begun to get caught up in "ahh" of the idea that its helping, medically, with cancer. Its not so much curing it, but helping with the symptoms from cancer, such as loss of appetite, nausea and neuropathic pain. They are forgetting the side effects and harm marijuana causes to your body and people around you. The United States is trying to find a safe way to go about it by passing rules and regulations to go along with the law reform. So far, they have been unsuccessful. The usage of marijuana effects more than just the user. Everyone around them can be in harmed, also. As if drunk drivers were not dangerous enough, drivers under the influence of marijuana are most likely, just as dangerous, if not more. In 2014, over 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving accidents. …show more content…

Marijuana is described as a "gateway" drug, meaning after people use marijuana over period of time, they’re more likely to try harder drugs such as cocaine and heroine. "Marijuana legalization supporters argue that weed is not as addictive as other herder drugs, such as heroine and cocaine, but addiction treatment specialists have seen first-hand that long-term use does lead to addiction. Research found that as many as one tenth of users have developed dependence over time. Like in other substances of abuse cases, stopping marijuana use will lead to withdrawal symptoms, which range from anxiety to irritability." ( Drugs will always be on the streets, no matter what. People will still deal their own "concoctions" and still be a problem through out gangs. Making it legal will only make it cheaper and even easier to get to. The more accessible marijuana is, the more popular amongst the people, like alcohol and