Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The use of marijuana today is something some would consider to be taboo. At the same times others say it is harmless and offers many benefits to others. There has been countless arguments over this controversial topic for the last decade; some backed up by data, and others by unbiased opinions. Marijuana use is completely harmless and should be legalized In the state of Wisconsin for medicinal as well as recreational purposes. Although many people are against legalizing marijuana; claiming it is a gateway drug, it can cause brain cell damage, it is harmful to the users lung, it harms your memory, etc. The list goes on and on. Many of the ideas and so called facts are conformed by those who refuse to educate themselves on the medical benefits …show more content…

Of those 26 states 7 along with the British columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use as well as medicinal. With that being said some benefits of recreational use may be helping with debt. If you were to take a look at how Colorado is doing financially it is actually outstanding. They have already made their first Billion from cannabis sales, as well as pulled their state out of debt. The benefits seem to be endless. In research it has been known to treat Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, ADD, Cancer, Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Insomnia, Cataracts, Chronic pain, glaucoma, etc. The government has also recently confirmed that marijuana does aid in the treatment of cancer. “Currently only 6% of marijuana studies take a look at the medical benefits of the substance” (Loria). A deeper look should be taken into the depths of the other medical benefits cannabis has to offer. For example: My mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The doctors tried many different types of medications to help reduce her “episodes.” none the less, the pharmacy medication did not have much effect. Eventually my mother's doctor had recommended that she give medicinal marijuana a try. I noticed how it did not take long for not only the duration, but the frequency of her episodes to