Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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What do the following states (California, Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Washington, Nevada, Oregon and Washington D.C.) all have in common? The use of Marijuana for adult recreational purposes is Legal in all of the states listed above. Furthermore, in states such as: Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii, Florida, and many more, allow for medical Marijuana use. Although, Marijuana use is legal in specific states, at the federal level it is still illegal. Who should have the authority to make a decision on such a controversial topic? Should it be the President of the United States or should the decision power be handed over to the states. Donald Trump’s presidential campaign addressed, it was in favor of giving the decision power to the states. A Youtube Channel known as,Controlled substances, uploaded a video named “The future of legal marijuana under trump” With in the video, there is a clip in which Trump expresses his stand on Marijuana, “ I know people that are very sick and for whatever reason the Marijuana helps them, but I think in terms of Marijuana and legalization, I think that should be a state issue, state by state”. Soon after, it turns the focus on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The Attorney General …show more content…

Sessions advocates against the legalization of Recreational Marijuana and “ Is against what states are doing with regards to Medical/ Recreational Marijuana”, this is cause for concern for many since the federal government can decide to overturn the state laws and enforce federal law. Although there currently are not any signs that show that the federal government will step in, there is still that possibility that the state laws on cannibis may be overturned as stated by Taylor West from National Cannibas