Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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The legalization of marijuana has been an extraordinary debate in recent years. Both sides of the debate have credible information to back up their stand. It is now the government’s decision as to how they interpret and use this information. Twenty-three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws that legalize marijuana. Four states have even gone as far to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The United States is completely split on this issue. There is more public support for reform than ever before. Polls show that more than half of the country is in favor of taxing and regulating marijuana. This information is extremely beneficial because it shows that now is the time for reform in our country. Now is the time when people are beginning to question the reasons behind things. Americans should be informed of the benefits behind the legalization of marijuana. The legalization of marijuana could be extremely beneficial to the federal economy and it could also become more difficult for children to get a hold of. …show more content…

It seems a bit strange that our nation would not want to make money off of something that is considered our nation’s largest cash crop. Our government makes money from alcohol and cigarette sales as well. These products are arguably just as damaging to the body as marijuana is. According to a status report of the marijuana regulation in Colorado, the first four months of legal marijuana sales have resulted in $10.8 million in taxes. The government could also save a lot of money by legalizing marijuana. The government wastes up to $1 trillion on direct law enforcement initiatives yearly to investigate growers and dealers. This money could be used to further investigations in other drug trade such as heroine or meth. Enforcing the prohibition of marijuana costs taxpayers an estimated $10 billion