Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Power

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Nuclear power is doubtlessly one of the most potential growing energy in the world. As Professor Montgomery has stated in the nuclear power chapter, “the commercial nuclear power is a mature global industry, and growing, also by having supplying 15% of the world’s electricity to over 1 billion people, and the percentage reveals that nuclear power has expanded to keep pace with the worldwide rise in electricity use (Montgomery, pp. 129).” Nuclear power has multiple uses, as an energy-supplying source, it holds an important position in expanding its use to provide more electricity use world-widely; yet, nuclear power, particularly nuclear weapon, takes up a heavy responsibility to sustain the world security. Personally, I think that it is essential to have nuclear weapons held by several powerful countries to keep forces at bay from each other, and at the same time, it is necessary to assure the existence of Nuclear Weapons Free Zones in the ideas for peace and security. Article VII of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), affirms the right of countries or states to establish nuclear-weapon-free zones (NWFZ) came into force by 1970. In 1975, the UN General Assembly reaffirmed this right and outlined the criteria for these zones, and within these NWFZs, countries are allowed to use nuclear …show more content…

Base on the report of UN Disarmament Commission on April 30, 1999, a set of principles and guidelines for the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zone is recommended (UNODA, UN). However, the use of nuclear science and technology for peace purposes in these regions should not be prevent, as well as the peaceful use of nuclear