Spank And Physically Disciplining Children Essay

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Physical Punishment
Do you think that people might think twice about spanking and physically punishing their children if it leads to your child resenting you, not being able to trust you, or even hurt the way that they function socially and mentally for the rest of their lives? Every day parents are spanking and physically punishing their children, not knowing how it will affect their kids down the road. Some parents may wonder why their child acts out aggressively at school, why they don’t do as well academically as other students, or maybe why they don’t feel comfortable or are scared to come to you when they have made a mistake? The children who are spanked and physically punished may have psychological damage and not function well academically or socially, the relationships between parent and child are compromised by causing lack of trust and …show more content…

In this paper, I will argue and show parents how spanking and physically disciplining our children can have negative and detrimental consequences because it causes psychological damage, a lack of trust between child and parent, and when it is not done in the right mind set it can lead to more serious matters such as child abuse. “In 2012, a national survey showed more than half of women and three-quarters of men in the United States believe a child sometimes needs a "good hard spanking."” Some may argue that spanking helps the child realize that their behavior is wrong and needs to be fixed, when parents discipline physically it might be a quick fix to stop the behavior, but as time goes on it does not only harm them physically but mentally and socially. While I agree that when a child’s behavior is wrong, we need to help them fix it, but I disagree that it should be done by physical punishment. Studies show that when kids are spanked or physically punished they tend to act out in the same way and choose to be aggressive like their parents. “A