Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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“Protect kids! Not guns!” The cry of secondary and post-secondary students across America. Only 22 weeks into 2018, 28 school shootings have taken place, and students are taking a stand against the obvious flaws in American gun control. Despite the poor reactions and improper solutions from politicians, these students have made it quite clear that they won’t back down until safety is returned to their schools.

May 18th, marks the 28th shooting on an American school campus in 2018, leaving a total of 40 people dead, and 65 seriously injured. With over 80% of shootings taking place with legally purchased firearms, the public has questioned the legality of purchasing firearms. Having little control over who purchases firearms has proven to be harmful in many …show more content…

However, one question stands out amongst all of these questions, What if a teacher snaps? Allowing teachers to carry firearms in a school full of children is a dangerous accident waiting to happen. Arming a corrupt teacher, or a teacher who has a racial bias could potentially result in more deaths, and more families burying a child. Teachers already have a lot to focus on, from school work and their students to their home lives, expecting a teacher to become a sharpshooter is unrealistic, their job is to educate their students, not endanger them. Not only do students want to keep guns out of their classroom, 73% of U.S. teachers do not want to have guns in their school either. According to a poll that was conducted in early March of 2018, most teachers want gun control and believe that arming teachers could be dangerous, many other teachers believe that there are other solutions, such as using tax dollars to provide more security on school campuses, or providing mental health support to prevent the shootings before they happen. However, only 7% of teachers said that guns would make schools