Persuasive Essay On Seat Belts

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Imagine it's the beginning of summer and you are on your way to your best friend's house. As you get in the car, you forget to put on your seatbelt. CRASH! The next thing you know, you are lying in a hospital bed and can't move anything below your waist. Your lucky. You survived, most people would have died. Just one simple mistake could have changed your life forever. That's why wearing your seat belt is so important. It is an easy thing to do, but many people ignore the simple requirements to wear a seatbelt while in the car, even though it is the easiest way to avoid fatal car accidents, breaking the law, and even death. Many people do not like to think of the possibility of car accidents happening, but most times it is out of our control, …show more content…

Seat belts can be the difference between life and death. Wearing a seat belt every time you are in a car is not only the smart thing to do it is the right thing to do because Seat belts save lives. Every day about 100 people die in car crashes and more than 1,000 suffer life changing injuries. The 1# cause of death for children and #2 causes of death for adults are car crashes, according to the National safety council. These deaths are preventable by just simply wearing your seatbelt. You don't have control over when you die, but why not do everything in your power to prevent it. Flat head health states that seat belts reduce serious crash-related injuries and deaths by 50%. Picture this: your loved one is in the hospital because he was in a car accident in which he wasn't wearing his seat belt. The doctor says he has a 75% chance of dying, if he just would have taken the time to wear his seatbelt then his chances of surviving would be 50% higher. According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration says that seat belts saved nearly 12,000 lives in the United State. Let those be your lives seat belts are