
Persuasive Essay On Sexism Against Women

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For as long as I can remember there has always been an imaginary line that divides the males and females in communities around the world. The females are left with the duties of being a housewife and the males are encouraged to better their education to come back and contribute to the family. Not only do males get more freedom, but females are given set roles and are treated unfairly. My father could always be heard on the weekends yelling at my younger sister and I to wake up early to cook and clean. Feeling unjustified, for I just woke up early on the weekend to cook, and clean, I would question my father “why do females always have to clean after we eat, even though we just cooked? How come the males can not do the dishes or get yelled at to wake up early?” My father’s answer to every one of my questions was always, “You two are female and your …show more content…

It is exposed all over the headlines of the television and news. Since sexism is such a common dismiss topic of many subjects it has allowed males, specifically, to take advantage of the opportunity that is given to them at birth. Which is to put females below them. Reilly stated that “‘Now too many women, … have had a lifetime of practice taking precisely these kinds of indignities in stride.’” To reveal that a hand full of women continually encounter treatments that cause them to feel shamed or lose their dignity. The televisions and news that presents sexism to the world not only is promoting it, but it is also revealing two other sickening statement. One, being it is normal for males to treat women in a disrespectful manner and two, being females, they should just take in everything that a male says or do to them. Such as faulty treatment and shady words. Not only that, but our country has become such an advanced society, that accessed to technology can exposed not only adults to sexsim, but young adults, and children

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