Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugee Crisis

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The fear of losing your most beloved is gut-wrenching. The fear of never being able to say goodbye is heart-breaking. The fear of what will happen next, vague. 4.3 million refugees are stranded across the Middle East and are in a state of despair and vulnerability due to an outrageous on-going government conflict.
The Syrian Refugee Crisis, five years and counting, it’s time for an end.
Basic levels of human rights and needs are ignored and pushed to its ultimate boundaries, to the point of poverty.
Those who are suffering in crowded and poorly funded camps scattered across the Middle East are receiving the basic needs in order to survive; it is not, and never will be, enough.
Within these treacherous countries, such as Syria, Lebanon, …show more content…

The Bank states that this was not needed, and the treasury said it was not advisable. Some claim this was a trick to make Joe Hockey “look good”. Considering the Australian Government stated they have, “pledged to provide humanitarian assistance of $44 million,” for those suffering in the Middle East. So, instead of wasting the $8.8 billion they claimed to give the Reserve Bank, the Government could have provided X200 more humanitarian assistance they initially claimed.
So much more has to be done.
Day after day, for many, many years, news articles around the world are published, be it on websites or newspapers, to directly and accurately inform us about the incidents surrounding the Refugee Crisis. But why is this information just beginning to surface?
As more and more refugees are struggling to obtain life-saving assistance, the more popular the story becomes due to it being a more “popular” and “must-read” story.
Potentially, if this crisis was made obvious to societies around the world 5 years ago, more governments and individuals would have contributed earlier, therefore, more lives would’ve been saved. Only now does information arise that refugee’s need us now more than