Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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A home for Syrian Refugees

Currently, many people are displaced as a result of environmental, political or economic factors. In our present day world, we are in the midst of a refugee crisis with tens of thousands of people departing from Syria. Many are killed and injured everyday and it seems as if no one is paying attention to their screams of pain. Syria is prone to poverty, lack of food and water, and bombings. However, a miracle has been brought upon the people of Syria! The Untied Nations has finalized a list of cities that could provide endorsement of the arrival of 100,000 refugees. The iRelocate team has proposed that they will consider relocating 100,000 citizens from Syria to Adelaide/Australia to live a better life. Adelaide …show more content…

Many people are being oppressed, every single day. When they wake up every morning, they realize that it’s going to be the same, disastrous day just as the last.

People in Syria strive for food, protect their families, and always have to be on the look out. In view of people living in such appalling place, they are scared from the moment they take a step out into the open.

Syrian refugees have been persecuted for more than 8 years, due to bombings from US, France, United Kingdom and Russia. President Bashar Al-Assad has caused an immense civil war in all of Syria. Furthermore, the bombings have forced people to leave their homes and flee the country. Families are always on the move so that they can look to find a home, keeping in mind what can lurk in the shadows.

How did it begin?

Before the war even began, there was still unemployment, corruption and lack of of political freedom. In March 2011, a huge riot broke out to make the government pay attention to what's happening to the country. Instead, the government used lethal force to crush the disapproval. The protests that were demanding the president's resignation exploded nationwide. Thus, starting a civil war in …show more content…

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Adelaide has been working on many different types of goals that will increase the sustainability of the city. For example, things like accommodating to climate change, reducing carbon emissions, using resources wisely and is enriched with smart, green livable and creative