Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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About four million Syrian refugees have relocated to nearby countries (Calabresi). Over the years, more and more refugees are starting to travel towards Europe for asylum. Many go by boat while some go by land through routes they located with their very own phones. This caused a misconception that these refugees actually do not need help; however that is untrue (Dettmer, “The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained”). Drownings are a common thing during these crossings. One example is, the toddler name Alan Kurdi, who has drowned on a turkish beach and was widely shared around the world to show the pain these refugees are facing (Calabresi). Those who risk the trip on foot will have the trouble of the border patrol. This leads to violent …show more content…

About 5000 have been able to cross the Greek border northern illegally. They are first responders to a refugees crisis; however they weren’t prepared for a refugees crisis of this magnitude. Its 2015 aid plan is just 41% funded. The World Food Program has cut aid to 1.6 million Syrian refugees, leaving some with less than 50¢ a day for food (Calabresi).. Many people are afraid of allowing these refugees to enter their countries, because they believe it poses a threat to the economy and them personally. Asylum seekers tend not to betray their saviors and are not more of a financial burden than migrants (Calabresi). They will give out more than they will take in from the economy if they even have a chance to be apart of it. such as starting businesses, or integrating themselves into the workforce as fast as possible (Dettmer, “The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained”). However, experts believe the best course of action is voluntary repatriation when all the danger subsides (Calabresi). This is a highly controversial topic and many agree Syrian refugees should be allowed while others do not. The fear people have of potentially disguised ISIS members posing as Syrians is another big problem with the debate. The main problems of allowing these Syrian refugees into these countries are mostly based on them making a negative impact on the economy and having the extremist group ISIS to disguise