
Persuasive Essay On The Impact Of Biotechnology On Animals

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With biotechnology we now have the ability to cross animals with plants . The scientific world today has the power to alter the course of nature however the please, by transferring characteristics between plants , cross-altering animals, and maybe even human beings. Genetic engineering is somewhat unethical and has a serious impact on the environment of animals and plants. It violates our relationship with the natural world , and therefore without a doubt the research needs to be stopped or ethical limitations need to be placed. As we saw in the video with the help of genetic engineering scientist were able to take control of various insects equipping them with cameras leaving them the ability to spy on whomever they please.They were even able to train a monkey to control a robotic arm using nothing but …show more content…

But putting those problems aside we are still faced with the unknown affect gmos and biotechnology will have on the environment and us as humans.It has already been seen that some of the widely used gmos have had negative impacts on other species that were not originally meant to be targeted and have started to die off.Therefore what is to say these genetically modified foods will not have negative health impacts on us as humans in the future.In conclusion Genetic engineering continues to present intriguing and difficult challenges for 21st century scientists and

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