Patriot Act Pros And Cons Essay

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Controversy surrounds the government all the time. Acts that are passed often still have disagreements and opposing viewpoints. After the terrorist attacks on September 9, 2001, President George W Bush decided it was time to take action against terrorism. Security measures at airports and any public event was heightened. Citizenship tests became more difficult to pass. President Bush implemented a lot of security screening measures that hoped to ensure the safety of America from terrorists inside and outside of the country. The Department of Homeland Security was also created and the Patriot Act was born. The Patriot Act gives the government the right to monitor phones and other electronic devices to catch possible terrorist acts before they happen. This bill, and later, act, was extremely controversial. People felt it was an invasion of privacy and it made the government too controlling. Even though there were protests, Congress passed the Patriot Act into law. It was a time of crisis and people were demanding changes to protect our country from future harm. I support the Patriot Act because it helps the national intelligence agencies to catch evil plans before innocent lives are lost.

The Patriot Act, passed into law in 2001, …show more content…

Only one possible person was caught, but he would’ve been without the Patriot Act as well. However, research has shown that at least 30 cases of possible terror have been stopped by the Patriot Act since 2001. Key words in searches and shady phone conversations have tipped off workers for the government. With further investigation, the FBI or NSA can determine if this person was a threat to national security. If he is, then he will be questioned and possibly detained and tried for conspiracy. Preventing terrorism is super important. Obviously, the Patriot Act can be extremely helpful when used correctly to protect American

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