Persuasive Essay On The Public Education System

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Think if only one size shirts were sold in stores and government wouldn’t allow any other size to be made available to customers. This may sound weird but it’s much like what’s happening with our nation’s education system. As American citizens we enjoy a wide range of choices, and thankfully it includes our ability to select the shirts that fits us best. But think for a moment about the public education system. For years the public education system has offered a one size fits all approach to our nation’s children. As we begin to enter the 21st century, the public education system began to show its age. More and more kids began to fall behind in a rapidly changing country marked by the introduction of computers and internet. Sensing a wide need for change, many people began to push for new educational systems that would keep up with the current time. This started the era of school choice movement. “Many charter schools and voucher programs in school are collectively referred to as school choice initiatives, in …show more content…

For years there has been school choice for families that could pay for it. The rich have always provided very exclusive private schools for their kids, and working class families with the resources have moved to neighborhoods that offer the best education. But the poor, in urban areas, have had no other option than to send their kids to lower performing and even dangerous public schools. “Through the school choice initiatives underprivileged families have been given the same fortuities to send their kids to safer and better performing educational faculties which others have enjoyed for many decades” (Chubb). “In addition to the poor, others often ignored groups can greatly benefit from the system that allows certain schools to focus on special education, or teen pregnancy programs” (Rand). It’s clear that choices in education allow a custom fit of school solutions for any type of