Donald Trump False Information Essay

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Truth tends to be an extremely misleading and concerning topic in today’s world. Having the ability to gain trust in someone and their actions is a very important concept in life. Honesty should be taught at a young age and should be continuously shown and practiced throughout life in general. Everyone has different views and opinions on the presidency, politics, etc., but there is one concept that everyone should be able to agree on and that is that the simple fact that the president of the United States should always be honest, protective, and prompt with anything and everything that he does. Donald Trump may seem to be a very hypocritical and selfish person due to the fact that he has no sympathy in the lies that he conveys to the entire …show more content…

According to TIME, if you receive your information from social media, you are most likely being exposed to hoaxes, rumors, and misleading news. Previous studies have shown that false information is just as likely and fast to go viral as reliable information is ( Every person in the world has been exposed to misinformation and false accusations at a time in their life. The media, once stated before, plays a vital role in the distribution of that false information. Not every person in the world is going to tell the truth, which is very sad and concerning, although it is extremely common in the world today. Lies coming from an average human being is common, but lies coming from the leader of our country is frightening. When I turn on the news or go on social media and see all of the disturbing information that is presented about president Trump, I simply think to myself “Is this actually true?” I believe that many persons get their accusations from their family, friends, and the media and use that to portray an opinion that is based solemnly upon lies. I understand that everyone has their own opinions, but I feel as if everyone had those certain opinions about the president before he even won the