
Persuasive Essay On Unsafe Abortion

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Millions of women each year resort to unsafely aborting their pregnancies due to income limitations, restrictive laws, social stigma, and unreliable access to services. An unsafe abortion doesn’t conform to World Health Organization’s methods specific to each stage of pregnancy and is performed by someone who lacks the necessary medical skills. The WHO estimates that approximately 25 million unsafe abortions occur per year with the majority taking place in developing nations. The issue with unsafe abortions arises with complications, some being life-threatening, that the mother faces. When an unsafe abortion is performed, the mother is at risk of an incomplete abortion, hemorrhage, damage to the genital tract or organs, uterine perforation, …show more content…

The United States’ unsafe abortions in the 1950s and 1960s ranged from 200,000 to 1.2 million annually. In 1973, the Roe v. Wade decision made abortions legal during the first trimester. Worldwide in 1995, approximately 35 in 1000 pregnancies were aborted. In 2003 and 2008, the number of abortions per pregnancies decreased. In 2003, there were 29 abortions per 1000 pregnancies. Following this trend, there were 28 abortions per 1000 pregnancies in 2008. The percentage of abortions decreased, however, the number of unsafe abortions increased. In 1995, 44% of abortions worldwide were unsafe compared to the 49% of unsafe abortions in 2008. Using linear regressions, it was concluded that the number of unsafe abortions has grown inversely to the number of abortions total over the years in developed nations other than the United States. In developing nations, the number of abortion rate remained constant in 1990-1994. However, the number of abortions jumped from 38 million to 49 million as a result of a growing reproductive-age population in developing areas. Worldwide the number of unsafe abortions has grown inversely to the total number of abortions, while in the United States the two are directly related. These statistics prove that are other several factors than just the political climate that affect the prevalence of unsafe abortions, such as the social climate and poor access to services. Unfortunately, there is limited data on treatment of complications from unsafe abortions due to restrictive

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