
Persuasive Essay On Virgin Island

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Since before the status quo question was brought to my attention, I travelled to states such as New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Washington, just to name a few, and every time I travelled I asked myself one single question. Would I be able to see the Unite States Virgins Island (USVI) become a State, flourishing as one of this states I have come to visit? At first I thought it was impossible, but now with my understanding of the Virgin Islands Status Quo and the status options we have, I can see that the best choice for Virgin Islanders is to advocate for Statehood. I support statehood because is the only way in which Virgin Islander could approach some of the difficulties brought to them in the community and have a say in congress thus gaining the same rights as those living in a state.
The U.S. Virgin Islands are organized under the 1954 Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands and have held five constitutional conventions since then. At …show more content…

Statehood is the most suitable solution to solving Virgin Islanders discomfort. Becoming an actual part of the United States not just a territory would grant individuals complete citizen rights as provided by the United States Constitution. This solution will offer an improved quality of life. It will offer more opportunities for Virgin Islanders, boosting the tax revenue for the US mainland along with that of the Virgin Islands. It would allow Virgin Islanders the right to vote in presidential elections. It will improve the United States Virgin Islands government system, and allow Virgin Islanders to have a say in how the government is run and the laws which affect them, placing two senators and one House of Representative in congress. But do the United States have any reasons to accept us as a state and grant us power if we claimed to become a

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