Photoshop Should Be Banned Persuasive Speech

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We live in a world where everything we see may not be true. Many things that we see daily are just fake and never say the truth. When we go out in the day we see magazines and see the gorgeous models on the front page. They are all really skinny and their skin is flawless without any blemishes. This could also ties up with dolls they sell at the store. They always have the perfect Barbie with the blonde hair and great figure. I would say that we should not allow people to Photoshop people on any public display shown. People see the people being featured and wonder why they can’t look like them but that’s because it’s not physically possible. The people featured are all changed up so they can fit a certain image people would rather see. Staring off with why we should not allow Photoshop is because there are many people that get sick and become unhealthy because they try to reach the impossible. This is mostly concerning teenage girls because they are the ones that are the most impacted when they see the models and how they are featured. While a teenage girl is in high school they want to fit in and not stand out so they …show more content…

People will always wish and try to have the perfect figure, smile, and skin. Even though it might be impossible people will always try to become what they thing is good or beauty. Since we have all these things that can impact our children’s lives I believe the parents should talk to their children and tell them how it’s not necessary for them to look like the fake models on magazines of bulletin boards they see throughout town. In the end everyone is beautiful in their own way and should not mind what the pictures on magazines look like companies made the models to grab people’s attention to sell more and gain more money. After all I strongly believe we should try to cut down on the Photoshop and show the real people that are out in the