
Persuasive Essay On Women's Pay

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\“You have a dream, you fight, you work, you sacrifice then you’re told you’re not the same as a boy, almost as good but not quite the same”- Venus Williams. Unfortunately, this situation continues to be shamefully common for our women - our future. Yes, shockingly today more than 500 companies in the UK alone have released figures showing women get paid less than the ‘dominant’ male. This is an outrage, don’t you think? Coming from an independent strong-willed young woman I still wonder why this is still a current situation in 2018. Would you like to be paid less than your colleagues for doing the same job? I think not.

For centuries, as long as women have been included in the workforce there have been discrepancies between our men and women’s pay. Not only does the gap affect women it has a huge defect on countries economy, if the gap is to be resolved then countries would benefit a substantial amount. Oxfam G20 says that if women’s paid employment rates were the same as men’s, the Eurozone’s GDP would rise by a whopping 13%, money which should be spend on fundamental resources.
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